Social Security was never designed to be an individual’s sole source of retirement income. Instead, it was meant to bridge the gap between people’s income from […]
The Social Security program was signed into law in 1935 after the nation had endured more than a half-decade of the Great Depression. It was intended […]
The Roth IRA offers a number of advantages over its traditional counterpart. These include: Tax-free distributions at retirement Ability to continue making contributions beyond age 70-1/2 […]
Planning for The “Golden Years” There’s a saying that if you have your health, you have everything. Well, that’s not exactly true – without adequate resources, […]
How Living Expenses Change During Retirement There are some upsides to being a retiree – senior discounts, lower taxes, subsidized healthcare, and regular Social Security checks […]
Most qualified retirement plans offer significant tax benefits – if you’re willing to follow a few IRS-specified rules, that is. The federal government wants to make […]