Financial Education

Patrick Peason, an Approved Educator with the Scranton Academy of Financial Education, provides information on the principles of personal finance, saving and investing via seminars offered through community organizations. Pat has been in the financial industry for over 30 years, and his specialty is putting the complex world  of money management into a language everyone can understand. Pat is an advocate for informed, knowledgeable consumers who understand how to manage their money – from the basics of personal finance, to the principles of strategic investing and portfolio management.

The Scranton Academy for Financial Education is dedicated to providing no-cost financial education as a public service. The primary goal is to arm consumers with information that helps them make smart investment decisions, and/or prepares them to work knowledgeably with their brokers or advisors to develop financial strategies with which they are comfortable. Scranton Academy of Financial Education is comprised of a nationwide network of qualified financial educators who volunteer their time to teach about the principles of finance, investing and personal portfolio management via programs offered in schools and through community organizations. Visit the page at: